Primary health TeleHealth Services | CareXM

Primary Care Telehealth Services

Home-based primary care provides care to individuals who need personalized health care. Primary care normally requires providers to travel to the patient’s home to offer reliable medical care. However, not all patient requests do need to be in person, and many questions and concerns can be handled over the phone. CareXM offers a complete HIPAA compliant phone call answering solution to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and provide peace of mind for patients and providers.

The Modern-Day House Call

Primary care is designed to provide patients with continuous follow-up care from qualified providers. CareXM uses CXM Mobile, our unique app designed to improve primary care needs. Home-based primary care is designed to provide care as long as the patient needs it. Home-based primary care usually involves nursing and therapy services on a daily or weekly basis. Many providers are unable to keep up with the primary care demands, and still focus on providing quality care in the office. CareXM steps in to assist with these demands, freeing up time for providers, and offering quality patient care within seconds of calling. Here are some things to expect when working with CareXM:

  • Competence with complex needs. Our qualified nurses will answer patient questions, schedule appointments, and focus on rapid response. 
  • Compassion and character. Patients can become exasperated if they are unable to obtain a provider response when they need it. Our representatives answer calls immediately, and always have compassion when speaking to patients. 
  • Considerate and composure. We maintain composure no matter what situation. We are considerate of the patient and provider needs. We recognize the shift in primary care expectations and focus on providing rapid care to meet patient demands.

Why Choose CareXM?

Our customized solutions are designed around each medical practice needs. Our goal is to enhance your business by reducing employee burnout and turnover, improving operations, and providing better care to patients. Our program includes:

  • Custom program and implementation – We meet with your office to identify current challenges and implement a best-suited strategy for your business needs. 
  • Staff support and training – We focus on managing your telephone triage system to ensure nursing staff has the information they need to provide quality care to patients. The entire staff can use the program, helping to increase response time and streamline internal processes. 
  • Risk management – Our consulting team will optimize risk management by providing solutions that comply with telehealth nursing standards and hospice best practices. We will identify areas that cause undue strain on your staff and create a solution to implement a new alternative process to improve operations. 

Schedule a consultation with CareXM to see how our experts will improve the patient experience, decrease costs, and strengthen your medical practice today!

Primary care

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Primary care

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